
야마하 10주년 기념(Yamaha 10th Anniversary) 어레인저 워크스테이션 Tyros 4 Teaser

큐베이스™ 2012. 3. 15. 12:19

음악인들에게는 모티프(Motif) 시리즈로 잘 알려진 야마하에서
10주년 기념 Tyros 4라는 기념비적인 Arranger Workstation을 출시 준비 중입니다.

모티프 시리즈로 축적해온 음원 기술 및 노하우가 집적되어 사용하기 편하고 연주 편의성의 극대화,
뛰어나고 다양한 음색 및 스타일, 그리고 정교한 기술들을 증가시켰다고 하네요.

팝부터 대편성 오케스트라까지 모든 영역의 음악을 타이로스 워크스테이션 한 대면 커버 가능한 꿈의 기기인 듯!

Tyros 4의 주요 기능 ::
1. 새로운 세대의 컨텐츠
Tyros is well known for industry leading content quality but now Tyros4 raises the bar even higher with its amazing array of sparkling new voices and styles. The Tyros4’s content is more polished than ever before.

2. 표현력이 뛰어나고 실제 악기와 같은 음색
The Tyros4 has an expanded and enhanced set of exceptionally authentic Voices, and gives you the means to play these Voices more naturally and with greater expressiveness. In particular, the instrument has many new Super Articulation Choir Voices, with amazingly realistic and natural human voice sounds―giving you even more expressive capability.

3. 강력하고 전문적인 자동 반주 스타일
The Styles of the Tyros4 have been vastly enhanced with the expert use of new Super Articulation and Super Articulation 2 Voices. Greater and more expressive variations in  the MegaVoices have been employed as well, particularly in the Scat and Gospel Voices.

4. 역동적이고 다양한 곳에 사용할 수 있는 보컬 하모니 기능 - with Synth Vocoder
The newly enhanced Vocal Harmony 2 (VH2) processing engine delivers superior sound, lightning-fast processing, and comprehensive, flexible control of the harmonies applied to your singing voice. It also has a Synth Vocoder feature, providing the dynamic, popular vocoder effect for a variety of luscious and even other-worldly sounds. Moreover, the rear-panel combo jack lets you easily connect either XLR mic cables or 1/4" phone plug.

5. 음색 확장성

Tyros4 is an open-ended instrument that lets you continually expand the available content for your creative explorations. Yamaha has an online service website ( featuring Premium Voices, Waves, Songs and Styles, etc. (called Premium Pack data) that can be purchased and loaded to the Tyros4. (In order to use the additional Waves and Voices you purchased, you’ll need to install the optional Flash Memory Expansion Module.)

6. 오디오 녹음 및 재생 기능

Tyros4 lets you record your performances as audio data, with two different methods, Simple (quick and easy recording to a single audio track) and Multi Track (overdub recording for complex songs). Since the created audio data is saved in WAV file format, you can edit your recordings on computer and share it over the Internet or burn your own original CD. The instrument also allows you to play back MP3 data 

7. 편리하고 사용하기 쉬운 Music Finder 기능

With the enormous wealth of data available on the instrument (including your own Song and Audio data), the Music Finder function lets you instantly find and call up what you need. Not only can you get ideal setups (Voice, Style, etc.) for each song—searching by song title/genre—you can also easily retrieve your original Song and Audio data (registered beforehand). Additional new panel settings for the Tyros4 can be directly downloaded from the Internet.

8. 강화된 인터넷 연결 기능

The Tyros4 can also be directly connected to the Internet with the Internet Direct Connection function, allowing you to download special content without the need for a computer. Enhancements include a convenient, easy-to-use IDC Setup Wizard, as well as new security options, with WPA2 and WPA.

9. 외부 하드웨어가 필요없는 녹음 기능 (Hard Disk 내장)
No need for separate recording hardware—you can record your keyboard performance as well as your own singing or the sound of other instruments directly to the Tyros4! The audio is captured to the built-in hard disk drive as digital audio data—with absolutely noise-free audio quality. With computer and audio editing software, you can also edit the sound file as needed, and then re-import it to the Tyros4. Since the created audio data is saved in WAV file format, you can easily share your performances over the Internet or burn your own original CD. The instrument also supports MP3 data, allowing you to play back files in that popular format.

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